Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chitragupt Puja

Chitragupt pooja is done every year after diwali in the month of kartik. And mainly kayasth family definitely performed this pooja. On this day mainly worship of pen and ink-pot is done with note book. So puja of kalam and dawat is done during chitragupt puja. Now the question is that who is chitragupt, why it is necessary to worship chitragupt, what are the benefits a person can get by worshipping chitragupta. So in this article I am going to clear this. 
As per Indian scriptures Chitragupta is a Hindu god who keeps and maintain the complete records of a person whole life. When a person leaves a body then this god analyse the accounts of person and then decide whether heaven or hell is ok for the person. People also called him 'dharmraj'. Yamaraj the god of death also obeys the instructions of chitragupta.
Kayastha are the children of chitragupta that's why kayasth families worship chitragupta on the auspicious day. 

Now Know About The Family Of Chitragupta:
Iravati and Sudakhina are 2 wifes of shree chitragupta and from them 12 sons are borned their names are- Shrivastava, Surajdwaj, Nigam, Kulshreshtha, Mathur, Karn, Saxena, Gaud, Ashtana, Ambast, Bhatnagar, Valmik.

Simple Spell or Mantra of Shree Chitragupt:
"Om Shree Chitraguptaay Namah"

Benefits From Chitragupta Puja:
Significance of chitragupt puja, importance of chitragupt puja, why kayastha worship chitragupt, benefits of chitragupt pooja, Mantra or spell of chitragupta god, Easy way to worship shree chitragupt.
People can get Justice by worshipping dharmraja.
People can get peace in life by the blessings of chitragupta.
People can get Literacy.
People can get Knowledge by the blessings of god dharmraja.
If you are in accounting work then the puja of chitragupta will defintiely help you a lot. 
If you are facing problems in life then you can pray to dharmraja ask for guidance.

Things Needed To Perform Chitragupta Pooja:
Pen, Note book, Ink pot, Honey, sugar, camphor or kapoor, Pooja paat, dhoop, deep, curd or yoghurt, sweets, pooja cloths, milk, seasonal fruits, beetal and betel nut, haldi, kanku, unbroken rice etc. 

Easy Way To Worship Shree Chitragupta God:
First of all clean the place and then put the idol of shree chitraguptaji on the decided place. Now do the abhishek with panchamrut i.e. milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar and then with rose water and clean water and then put the idol on the place where you are going to worship also put the ink pot, pen, and note book.
Now burn the deepak and offer dhoop, sweets, paan, sticks etc.
Now Offer roli, chawal, itra, flowers etc. 
Recite the mantra of chitraguptaji as much as poosible.
Do the arti with camphor and pray for the well being of every one. 

So worship chitragupta for getting knowledge, for getting prosperity, for wellness. Make your life better with the blessings of chitragupta.

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