Sunday, April 13, 2014

Badri Narayan Ghat

This ghat was also known as Mahatha/ Matha or Balabai Ghat. Balabai of Gwalior had patronised to build this ghat pucca in the early 19th century. The Municipal Corporation done the repairing and extension works in the early 20th century. In 1988 the irrigation department of the government of Uttar Pradesh had made it pucca. By the existence of the temple of Badri Narayan the ghat is known by this name. This temple replicated the original temple of Badrinatha in Kumaun Himalaya (Uttaranchal); this is an example of spatial transposition of pan-India sacred sites in Kashi. People believe that by taking bath at this ghat followed by glancing the Badri Narayan temple the same merits will be gained as the original site in the Himalaya. The associated water-front sacred spots according to puranic sources are Nageshvra Tirtha and Narayana Tirtha. On the occasion of full-moon day of Pausha (December-January), a special festivity in honour of Vishnu in the form of Nara-Narayana is celebrated. Also, on 3rd light-half of Vaishakha (April-May) there takes a sacred bath ceremony.

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