Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sharad Navaratri

Navratra is a nine day festival and comes five times in a year. However, Sharad Navratri is the most anticipated event amongst all for the belief that it is highly influenced by the Devi. Navaratri is celebrated all over India in various forms and with different believes. The word 'Navratri' is basically a Sanskrit term which was developed after combining two words 'Nava' meaning 'nine' and 'Ratri' meaning 'night'. Navratra is dedicated to Shakti Ma or Goddess Durga for her nine day visit on Earth. Indians believe that the Shakti or Devi Ma has nine incarnations and each visits a day on Earth.

Following are the five forms of Navaratri festival:
Vasanta Navaratri (March-April)
Gupta Navaratri (June-July)
Sharada Navaratri (September-October)
Paush Navaratri (December-January)
Magh Navaratri (January-February)

The exact dates of all these Navratri days are always decided as per the lunar calendar. However, in the beginning of spring and autumn, the time is considered auspicious for the best climatic and solar influence. Hence, Vasanta and Sharad Navratra are considered as the time of Goddess's strongest influence. Most people are unaware of other Navratras and they celebrate these two only. If we talk about the time of strongest influence amongst all, then it comes in Sharad Navratri. It is the only Navratri season celebrated by all and ends on the tenth day called 'Vijayadashmi'.

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