Sunday, August 4, 2013

Durga Temple

The temple of goddess Sumera (Durga) is situated on the north east of Ramnagar Fort. This thirty metre high temple has six finely carved statues in five rows depicting a symbolic picture of universe. These are the important figures of Vishnu-Kurma, Varah, Narsimha, Gajendra Moksha, Narayan Vamana etc. At the bottom are elephants symbolizing water, river & matter, above it are four lions indicating fire, courage and energy and two rows showing the gods and their exploits. Right at the top are carved celestial dancing damsels of heaven. Facing three entrances to the temple are the three marble figures- Nandi at the south door, Garuda at the north door, Lion the vehicle of Durga at the main door. A pond is also situated nearby known as Ksheer Sagar.

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