Sunday, February 28, 2016

18 साल बाद पंचग्रही, शिव योग में मनेगी महाशिवरात्रि

महाशिवरात्रि इस बार सात मार्च 2106 को पंचग्रही व शिव योग में हर्षोल्लास से मनाया जाएगा। इस दिन कुंभ राशि में सूर्य, चंद्रमा, बुध, शुक्र व केतु, पांच ग्रह मिलन (युति) करेंगे। ज्योतिषाचार्यों के अनुसार स्थिर राशि कुंभ में पांच ग्रहों का यह योग महाशिवरात्रि पर चारों प्रहर की पूजा करने वाले शिव भक्तों को स्थिर लक्ष्मी व आरोग्यता प्रदान करेगा।
इस बार शैव और वैष्णव दोनों मतों के लोग एक ही दिन शिवरात्रि का पर्व मनाएंगे। ज्योतिषाचार्य पंडि़त चंद्रमोहन दाधीच के अनुसार महाशिवरात्रि पर पंचग्रही योग 18 साल बाद बन रहा है। इससे पूर्व यह विशेष योग 25 फरवरी 1998 में बना था। इसके बाद 9 मार्च 2024 को यह योग बनेगा।
भगवान शिव को प्रसन्न करने की रात
शैव व वैष्णव दोनों मतों के लोगों के एक ही दिन यह पर्व मनाने के कारण चार प्रहर की पूजा भी इसी दिन की जाएगी। भगवान शिव को प्रसन्न करने के लिए हर प्रहर में गन्ना, डाब (कुशा), दुग्ध, खस आदि का अभिषेक किया जाएगा। साथ ही रुद्र पाठ, शिव महिमन और तांडव स्त्रोत का पाठ होगा। षोड्षोपचार पूजन के साथ भगवान शिव को आक, धतूरा, भांग, बेर, गाजर चढ़ाया जाएगा। किसी व्यक्ति की कुंड़ली में राहु-केतु के मध्य में आने पर बनने वाला कालसर्प योग के निवारण के लिए  भी विशेष पूजा की जाएगी।
चार प्रहर पूजन का समय
प्रथम प्रहर : सायंकाल 6.27 से रात्रि 9.32 बजे तक
द्वितीय प्रहर : रात्रि 9.33 से 12.37 बजे तक
तृतीय प्रहर : मध्यरात्रि 12.38 से 3.42 बजे तक
चतुर्थ प्रहर : मध्यरात्रि बाद 3.43 से प्रात: 6.47 बजे तक
निशीथ काल : मध्यरात्रि 12.13 से 1.02 बजे तक

Monday, February 15, 2016

Bhu Century Year

This Basant Panchami, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) entered its 100th year. An institution founded by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, BHU has a special significance, and its contribution cannot be measured without understanding this. It was not just a university to disseminate knowledge. It was a university that was founded for a different cause. Perhaps, those raising questions about the Bharat Ratna being conferred to Malaviya are not able to appreciate this reality.

BHU was envisaged as early as 1904 and it was supposed to build a bridge between India’s past and modernising world system in the areas of humanities, social sciences, particularly in evolving non colonial history as a discipline and Hindi as a language of large majority of Indians, thus giving national languages a place of functional utility and local as well as national pride.

Engineering education in BHU, as visualised by Mahamana, was a definite departure from ‘Roorkee model of engineering education’ which was the dominant mode till then offered by the colonial regime.The idea was to take engineering studies beyond the civil engineering that the colonial regime pursued for making roads, bridges, buildings and railway lines to fulfil British agenda. Malaviya presented a model of a non-colonial university for overall development of the nation.

Malaviya was keen from day one to reach out to the modern world of engineering and natural science while preserving the vignettes of Indian past. Through his contribution he was preparing a road map for ‘indigenous modernism’. In that sense he was fully aware of the demands of an Independent India in the coming future. A rare foresight in those days of thick impenetrable colonialism. He was in every sense a modern nation builder with a vision of inclusive Indian society in colonial and post-colonial India.     

Early decades of the 20th century signalled an era of awakening in Asia, particularly in China and Japan. Malaviya was aware of it and he mentioned the 1905 defeat of Russia at the hands of Japan in his convocation address in BHU in 1929. In the same speech he had also emphasised the boycott of education as an impediment to “Swaraj”. He saw “Swaraj” from a different point of view. In the same speech he had lauded national initiatives in science by scientists like CV Raman and Jagadish Chandra Bose. For him school was not only for schooling, but for remaking the whole life. He was steeped in ground reality, and wanted the youth to cultivate values and commitment to Indian nationalism, shun sectarianism, develop and lift up the oppressed and serve the disadvantaged — thus build an inclusive India.

For Malaviya, BHU was an instrument to educate India’s restless youth and at the same time battle with “the empire”. Malaviya’s crusade started right from 1916 with the task of making a model university and creating an alternative mode of education. A university that aimed to not just create good engineers, doctors and scientists but also good human beings.

Today, BHU signifies the confluence of old and the new, tradition and modernity, Sanskrit and Urdu, philosophy and biotechnology, ayurveda and nanomedicine, astrology and space science, performing arts and computer science. As an alma mater, BHU has changed in a big way, but its soul remains the same. A truly national university. Evolving but retaining the basic character.

एकता स्पोर्टिंग क्लब सरस्वती पूजनोत्सव

एकता स्पोर्टिंग क्लब सरस्वती पूजनोत्सव टकटकपुर महावीर मंदिर

Friday, February 12, 2016

भारतीय स्पोर्टिंग क्लब माँ सरस्वती पूजा पंडाल

भारतीय स्पोर्टिंग क्लब माँ सरस्वती पूजा पंडाल नदेसर वाराणसी